Councillor Steve Wright

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Holyrood Ward, Bury MBC Learn more

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Reporting Back: Bailey Street Play Area

by prestwichfocus on 17 November, 2015

We wanted to update residents about the play are on Bailey Street (Heaton Street).

As you may be aware the Council has identified a limited amount of money to upgrade some of the children’s play areas in the Borough, and Bailey Street is one of those to be updated.

Councillors Mary D’Albert and Tim Pickstone met with the appropriate Council Officer at the play area to discuss the refurbishment and any issues that local people and/or users of the play area might have.


As we understand some of the equipment is in good condition and does not need to be replaced. Other pieces, the swings in particular, do need to be replaced and are included within the budget.

The park is very close to houses, and one concern that people do have is around older children playing ball games, particularly given the quite large open area in the middle of the play area.

One suggestion is to put some limited seating (e.g. like a picnic table) in the middle of the play area which would be a deterrent against older children’s ball games, and also provide space for adults to sit when children are using the play equipment.

If anyone has any views on the play area, now is the time to let us know before the work starts in the new year.


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