Councillor Steve Wright

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Holyrood Ward, Bury MBC Learn more

Small Investment announced for Heaton Park

by prestwichfocus on 24 September, 2013

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The Manchester Evening News got (in my opinion) a little over-excited about an annoucement by Manchester City Council that it is to invest £100,000 in Heaton Park.

A lot of people have been in touch complaining over the last year in particular about a general sense of decline of the Park, so I suppose any investment, however small should  be welcome.

In comparison the investment that was made in the Park in the early 2000s was £12 million.

Manchester Council’s new plans are to spend a small part of a £15 million fund it has set up from the ‘windfall’ of money from the recent sale of half of Manchester Airport Group to a private investor.

According to the MEN, “While the proposals are at an early stage, they are expected to include the roll-out of public recycling bins across the park.The plans would also see drainage improved – a problem bosses admit prevents them from holding and fully promoting more public events. The play areas would also be upgraded and the toilets improved.”

Please let me know what your views are on how the Park can be improved and these can be fed into the Park’s ‘community consultation’ process which I represent you on.




2 Responses

  1. Jane Bernhardt says:

    Hello – I would like to see money spent on Heaton Park particularly as there appears to have been no improvements since concerts have been held there and money from the concerts was supposed to be fed into Manchester parks. The small playground near to the lake is run down – there is only one swing, one of the bouncy tables has disappeared, the “talking wind up machines” don’t work and the large round swing that could sit a couple of children is missing. There is very little there now for young children to play with. The top playground has a great water-play system which never works. As Heaton Hall was bequeathed to the people of Manchester it would be good to see that open at times too but I would prefer they spent money first on providing some play opportunities for the children. Thank you. Jane Bernhardt

  2. Paul Counsel says:

    MCC need to start spending money on the hall. It is the jewel in the crown of the park. After a recent visit into the park I was shocked how the state of the building had declined. If something is not done soon the cost of the upkeep of the hall will spiral out of control. I have heard people voice the opinion that Manchester City Council want the building to fall into disrepair so it will have to be knocked down thus paving the way for these football fields to be built. A shocking thought.

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