Councillor Steve Wright

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Holyrood Ward, Bury MBC Learn more

School Uniforms – Let us know your views

by stevewright on 16 March, 2021

We’re keen to hear from parents who have experienced difficulties around school uniforms since children returned to school in recent weeks. 

Some schools have been very clear that they expect full school uniform policy to be in place, even through it is a long time since shops were open for things like new shoes or PE kit, and some children will have outgrown what fitted them last year. 

A few years ago Bury’s Liberal Democrat councillors were successful in getting the Council to develop a model school uniforms policy to help ensure that uniforms are affordable (it was particularly to try to avoid uniforms only being available from one shop). 

During the past months many children have grown out of their school clothing and school shoes. Parents may be understandably reluctant to buy school items that will only be worn for a few weeks or don’t want to buy school items without having been able to have tried them on first. This would be particularly the case for school shoes.

The most important issue currently is that pupils are safely back in school and schools in Bury should avoid placing parents and pupils under unreasonable duress with a relaxation of their uniform policies until the end of this unusual school year.

We would be interested to hear your views and experiences – 

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